Treasury East on Etsy

If you are an avid Etsian, chances are you love making treasuries. For those of you who don't know, treasuries are a visual collection of listings on Etsy that anyone can create. It's so much fun coming up with different themes! Helping promote fellow Etsy sellers and having a chance that yours will be used on Etsy's main page are an added bonus!

The main treasury on Etsy is only available when the amount of treasuries drops below 333 so it was always a chance thing whether or not you got to make one. Now that Etsy has made Treasury East, we can make as many as we like, whenever we want!

I made this collection of teacups and mugs the other day. I love collecting unique dishes! Which one is your favorite?

If you'd like to know more about any of the teacups or mugs in the photo, click here to see the treasury.

Want to make your own collection? Click here and then click New Treasury in the upper right hand corner.